To Dab Or Not To Dab? What Science Really Says About Blotting The Grease Off Your Pizza
Articles have recently been circulating on the internet claiming that blotting your pizza with a paper towel, to absorb grease, can save you a ton of caloric intake and in turn help you lose weight over time. Wait, what? Yeah, it's definitely too good to be true. Here's what's really going on.

Well, we're here to tell you it's all one big lie.

Now, to get to the point.

Which adds up to two fewer pounds gained in a year for the average American pizza slice intake in a year (87 slices). So, science says you'll lose 2 lbs. a year if you dab pizza?!

The study finds that a paper tower pat wipes away 17% of fat on top of pizza pies.

Their director of communication told BuzzFeed that basically, since the study was done 15 years ago, they can no longer confirm these results. Seems convenient! They've also removed these claims from all their online outlets.

So who are we supposed to believe in all this craziness?!

Blot or no blot…

And be overjoyed about the abundance of it. Remember, we've got 87 slices a year on average to life up to, so better get a head start.