Science Just Declared a Reason For More Men to Start Growing Beards
A 2012 study left mannequins in the intense sunlight of the Australian outback, some bearded and some completely bare. When comparing results, researchers found that those bearded had blocked 90–95% of harmful UV rays from the sun.

One of the researchers, Alfio Parisi, told Men's Journal, "The percentage of UV blocked to the skin depends on the thickness and angle of the sun. ... Provided the beard is of reasonable thickness, I do not think there is a need to slather sunscreen over the beard due to the protection it provides."
Go on…
This essentially means human beard owners age slower.

No more dry skin, in fact your skin under the beard is moisturized and more youthful than your bald-faced counterparts. Hell yeah, science!


So, ditch your razor and embrace science, dudes! The health and heightened attraction benefits await.