16 Things People Who Don't Like Feelings Just Can't Stand
by N/A, 10 years ago |
3 min read
LOL, feelings.

Obvi, you're not an emotionless robot. It's just dealing with all sorts of feelings at once that becomes way too much.

1. You don't shed a tear when watching a sappy romantic comedy. And judge those who do.

Nope. You didn't even cry during The Notebook. #SorryNotSorry.
2. Sleepovers were your worst nightmare as a kid. Especially in the wee hours of the morning when people would talk about their crushes giving them butterflies.

3. You're grossed out by even the cutest of couples.

Nothing like over-the-top PDA to ruin your day.Â
4. The idea of someone showing affection towards you makes you want to die.

You'll show affection on your own terms.
5. Compliments are tough because you're not sure how to take them, so you just sort of smile.

Stop saying nice things to me, OK?!
6. Or, when you're having a heart-to-heart with someone and don't know what to say.

7. Hugs always last WAY too long in your book.

8. And when you give hugs, it goes something like this.

In fact, you've mastered the #AwkwardHug.
9. You will never be this person.

To be fair, she doesn't even go here.
10. Things get awkward whenever someone starts to cry, even when you do your best to comfort them.

Bonus points for trying?
11. When someone asks you how you feel about something, you can't quite put it into words.

12. But you ALWAYS know how to crack a light-hearted joke in any given situation.

I might not be able to express how I feel, but hey, at least I can joke about it?!
13. Those rare times you actually feel something you struggle to find the words to describe it.

The less information the better.
14. Dating can be a bit of a challenge.

15. Especially when you're hit with those terrifying three words.

Thank you?
16. When it comes down to it though, you can always count on your best pals to understand you to the core.

Because you both know everything is conveyed by just a simple look.

And you don't mushy gushy crap to express how you feel.Â
Do not show me this again