The Presence Of Animals Living In Or Near Underwater Volcanoes Brings Up Many Questions
by N/A, 10 years ago |
1 min read
These animals have adapted to extremely dangerous circumstances.
80% of volcanic eruptions occur underwater, and there are tons of species of animals that live near these underwater volcanoes.

Volcanic regions are actually extremely rich environments for certain species because they emit high levels of minerals, bacteria and warmth.

The Pacific Flood West Mata volcano spews water with an acidity level comparable to stomach acid, but shrimp live nearby.

Rainbow colored polychaete worms or bristle worms were found near Kermadec Ridge.

Shrimp, crab, limpets and barnacles near a highly active volcano near Guam.

The  Loihi shrimp in this region have sharp claws similar to garden shears that allow them to graze on bacterial filaments emitted from the volcano.
Two different species of shark were found swimming inside the extremely active Kavachi volcano.
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