Here's How This Girl Born With Her Heart Outside Her Chest Managed To Survive And Thrive
They call her the 'miracle baby,' and for good reason.

Ectopia Cordis is a heart condition in which part of or all of the heart develops outside of the chest cavity. With only 8 in one million babies born with it, it's certainly a rare condition.

Of the babies born with Ectopia Cordis, over 90 percent of them die within 72 hours of birth. Knowing how strongly the odds were against them, Ashley and her husband knew they needed a miracle.

After creating a cavity for her tiny heart, and covering it with skin from other parts of her body, surgeons were able to successfully complete the improbable procedure, and Audrena stabilized soon after.

She'll have to wear a chest-guard for the coming months to protect her heart, and will likely have to return to the hospital for additional procedures, but the worst part is over and Audrena has beaten the odds.
And despite the immense adversity she's already had to face, she's still one of the happiest babies!