What Are Your Hobbies At The Moment? These 7 Can Drastically Improve Brain Speed For You
Adopting these hobbies will help to make you smarter.Â

Exercising on a regular basis releases a protein into the body that increases memory and focus.Â

Neuroscientists have found that children who play musical instruments have higher cognitive functioning, better memory, pattern recognition and sequential processing.Â

Reading has been known to create new neural pathways in the brain and helps with problem solving, seeing patterns and interpretation.Â

Cumulative learning is the process where you take new information and layer it over knowledge that you already have. Cumulative learning activities include math and writing, so if you're working on a short story or love problem solving, you're engaging in cumulative learning without even knowing it.Â

Crosswords and other puzzles are a great way to exercise your brain. This helps to create new connections in the brain and improves memory.

People that speak more than one language have more gray matter in their brains. They're also better able to focus on multiple tasks at once.

Yoga and meditation can help to control one's thinking and increase focus, concentration, and memory.