Not Into Art? Let This Cartoonist Explain the Basics in One Picture
by N/A, 10 years ago |
1 min read
If you've ever gone to an art museum and felt completely lost as the tour guide explained the various pieces, you're not alone. Art's been around for a long time - pretty much since the dawn of early civilizations. Naturally, it's pretty complex.
Its categories alone, which have been simplified over the years, are even hard to keep track of, especially when their descriptions don't make much sense to the layman. Fortunately, cartoonist Jim Atkinson gave people an easier way to understand them.
Comedic yet accurate, it's everything a non art enthusiast needs to know about art.

Atkinson also has some other pretty funny comics.

Okay, really funny.

To check out more of his hilariously educational work, check out his website!
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