10 Times Kids Prove They Should Never Be Taken To The Store Ever Again
by N/A, 10 years ago |
3 min read
If only full-time nannies weren't so damn expensive...
1. They will, without fail, always find a way to sneak in a few things that definitely are not on your list.

2. They're completely against anything that has to do with the women's section, and they won't hesitate to let you know...dozens of times.

3. And on the rare chance they're not, it's only because their curiosity got the better of them.

4. They derive pleasure from simply making your life as difficult as possible.

5. If you take your eyes off of them for 2 seconds you will officially become employees' most hated person in the store.

6. They're absolute professionals at embarrassing you and/or making you seem like a terrible parent.

7. They consider shopping for anything as one ongoing game of "hide and go seek." Which is always fun.

8. Their lack of a concern for what the general public thinks of them frees them up to do pretty much anything. Namely, throw tantrums.

9. When you've finally convinced them to agree to come with you (because you have no other option, duh), they still promise to make it hell on earth.

10. And then of course, they execute their plan to perfection.

Stay strong, parents. One day, one month, one year at a time. Before too long, they'll be old enough to shop by themselves. Then they're the mall's problem.

Do not show me this again