9 Study Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Time…Reading Notes Doesn't Help By The Way
You'll need these tips to get through the school year.Â

Turn your phone off during your study session in order to get the most out of your time.Â

Studies show that re-reading your notes won't actually help you commit anything to memory. Instead, creating flashcards with key information will help you remember the information.Â

Having an area set up with all your supplies helps to get your mind ready to study.Â

It's more effective to study in 30 minute sessions over several weeks. The human brain is better at encoding information in several short sessions rather than one session. This will help you remember the information for longer periods of time.Â

Although studying with classical music on has been said to improve memory, some studies show that studying with rhythmic background noise on can cause serious disruptions and doesn't allow you to focus as well.Â

You should choose one specific goal for each study session, so that you don't walk away from the that scheduled block of time feeling like you didn't get anything out of it.Â

Stay up all night to study can lead to a decline in both reasoning and memory due to lack of sleep. Without either of those, it will be pretty hard to get a passing grade on an exam.Â

Your brain organizes information differently when you plan to teach it, so study as if you want to inform someone else about what you learned.Â

Practice tests can help to draw attention to gaps in your knowledge and have been shown to increase confidence in testing ability and general knowledge.Â