The Interesting Reasons Behind 7 Items You'd Never Guess Came From Prohibition
The prohibition era was an interesting time in American history with some seriously unexpected results.

Many establishments began to cut salaries in order to save money, since they weren't generating extra income by selling alcohol. Servers began accepting tips in order to make a living wage.Â

At first, stock car racers were actually moonshiners, trying to get alcohol across state lines. The racers would soup up their cars to make it easier to get away from the police. Eventually they held races for bragging rights until one day it turned into an organized sport.Â

In the 20s, wealthy people who wanted to drink would just set sail instead of heading to a specific location.Â

Pre-prohibition era, it was actually unusual to consume coffee at home. Once alcohol became illegal, people started to drink coffee socially, but their "cocktail tables" had to be rebranded and were then called coffee tables.Â

During prohibition, people were offered the option of regular liquor or brand name liquor. Since moonshine was homemade and potentially poisonous, people preferred to drink brand name liquor that they trusted wouldn't kill them.Â

Men and women weren't seen drinking together in public before prohibition. Bars were usually dominated by men. Once speakeasies opened, they were frequented by both men and women.Â

Since most restaurants served alcohol, kid's were rarely seen going out to eat with their families. Once prohibition was enacted, restaurants were serving more children than ever before. The Waldorf Astoria was the first restaurant to offer a kid's menu and many other restaurants followed suit.Â