The Box This Guy Made to Hold an Engagement Ring is More Impressive Than the Ring Itself
by N/A, 10 years ago |
1 min read
Never before has a woman been more obligated to say "yes."
Matthew Chalker, a California-based “informal educator, curriculum content specialist and digital fabrication expert," went all out in his proposal to his photographer girlfriend.

But rather than making it about the ring, or the proposal plan, he focused on the ring box....

Which really, isn't much of a box at all. More like a cylinder...actually, more like a masterpiece. Yes, a cylindrical masterpiece.
He crafted an incredibly complex, homemade opening aperture - the same technology camera lenses use.

He invested over 60 man hours making the beautiful creation, and in all, the box itself cost almost as much as the ring. And the ring was not cheap.
After sharing his pride in his creation, Chalker had the privilege of sharing his excitement about the result.

"She said "yes!""
Congratulations Mr. Chalker, and bravo. Men, take notes.
Do not show me this again