11 Harry Potter Themed School Supplies That Every Lifelong Fan Needs This Semester
Calling all Harry Potter fans...this is the only back to school list you need to see!

The pencils all true HP fans need on the first day of school.Â

The lunch box everyone would look cool carrying. Admit it, you agree.Â

If you are as big of a nerd as Hermione, or even if you just have a lot of stuff to carry, this Hogwarts backpack is pretty perfect.Â

If you are someone who NEEDS a planner and just so happens to love Harry Potter...this is the perfect back to school necessity. Treat yourself.Â

Which house would you be in?

So you can always represent the iconic HP scar.Â

For those times you want to pretend you can actually cast spells. You'll need these.Â

You can get this beauty in ballpoint style or if you're really old school you can get it as a traditional nib.Â

The simplest but most effective pencil there is. You can do your homework with it and write spells!

Because you know you're going to need these suckers. At least if you get this one, you'll look cool.Â

To carry all of your spell books, Quill Pens, and Hogwarts Planners. DUH.