Anna and Elsa Might Have A Younger Brother...And His Name Is Tarzan! Wait, WHAT?!
The director of Frozen, Chris Buck, who is also the director of Tarzan, has recently come out saying that Tarzan is the younger brother of Anna and Elsa. If that just blew your mind, KEEP READING!

Therefore, it is not something new that Disney fans create theories and ideas about how different Disney movies, characters, and plot lines might be interconnected.


Who just so happens to be named, TARZAN!!!

Buck gave an interview with MTV, saying that in his mind he sees Anna, Elsa, and Tarzan all being siblings. Although, the two stories are not officially linked.

Ahhh, stuff like this is just one of the many reasons we love Disney.

Buck also said at the conference, “I say, whatever people want to believe, go for it. If you want to tie them all together, then do it. That’s the spirit of Disney.†So, for now, we can all just go on living our lives knowing that Tarzan is the little brother of Anna and Elsa...and we are all more than fine with that.