27 Things That Personify The Life Of A Teenage Girl In The 90s
by N/A, 10 years ago |
4 min read
All Lisa Frank devotees developed these back-to-school rituals.Â
1. You scrubbed away your summer sins with astringent.

2. Spending hours (or maybe even days) trying to figure out what the perfect back-to-school outfit would be.

3. You could never go to school without some of your troll dolls.

4. Buying a new pack of sparkly gel pens was your favorite way to spend your allowance.

5. Picking out a brand new Jansport backpack that you could draw all over.

6. You perfectly color-coordinated your supplies, down to the pencil grips.

7. You flipped over flip glosses.

8. Picking out a clear plastic bookbag and all of the supplies you wanted your friends to see.

9. These were a staple in your closet.

10. You desperately needed a beeper to keep in touch with everyone.

11. You wanted to be a trouble maker so you put wild colors in your hair with hair mascara.

12. You never had enough dangly earrings or BFF necklaces.

13. Choosing the rubber band colors you wanted before heading back to school was the biggest deal.

14. Butterfly clips were your go-to accessory.

15. You never left the house without some minty breath spray.

16. You begged for a graphing calculator.

17. Spending the summer collecting shiny stickers to cover your locker, books and more.

18. You looked through every issue of Seventeen to figure out exactly what to wear.

19. Five Star organized your entire life.

20. You never had enough frosted lip colors.

21. Keeping all your supplies organized in the perfect pencil case made you so happy.

22. You had plastic headbands in every color.

23. Scratching out the face of a former friend's photo was the ultimate, pre-Burn Book revenge.

24. You swiped your face with these until you could really feel the burn.

25. You fully customized each of your binders since they came with a transparent slip cover.

26. Buying the perfect planner to keep all your activities in order.

27. You had to show off your personality with some printed pencils.

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