These Dental Training Mannequins Could Totally Be The Subject Of A New Horror Movie
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
As a dentist's son, I'm shocked I never knew about these. But now that I think about it, I can understand why my father wouldn't want to show me them - especially when I was younger.
A tweet has recently gone viral displaying a series of dentist mannequins. People, these are what dentists are using to train on now.
Ironically, this was my exact reaction when seeing them for the first time...aside from the outlandishly gaping mouth and torn lip, of course.

And for some even more inexplicable reason, they cost a fortune.

Who would pay just shy of a grand for THAT???

I'd rather have to train on a cadaver.

Actually, back in the day, they apparently did use real human skulls as the structure for their mannequin heads...

Which is definitely comforting and a completely normal thing to do... have so much explaining to do.



At the very least, I can rest knowing you suffered through 4 years having to put your hands on and inside these demonic things.

But I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep anymore anyways...

Do not show me this again