These Old Artifacts Are Proof That Cats Have Been Little Sh*ts Since Ancient Rome
For years, cats have been infamously known for just flat out not giving a shit. Letting paint dry? Well, now its a collaboration. Working on your senior thesis? Better move those drinks away from the computer. Trying to enjoy a romantic night in with the girlfriend? Enjoy the complimentary feline ass in your face at the absolute worst moments possible.
Really, when it comes down to it, cats have historically been inconsiderate little ass hats for as long as we can remember - sorry cat people, but it's true. But have they always been this way? Ancient records tell us, yes. Yes they have.
“When Romans made roof tiles they left the wet clay out to dry in the sun,†says a Gloucester City Museum spokesman. “Animals, and people, sometimes walked across the drying tiles and left their footprints behind. The cat is thought to have snuck across the wet tiles in Gloucester in about AD 100, probably at the annoyance of the tile makers…â€
In conclusion? Cats have never changed, and it doesn't seem as though they ever will.