A Woman Dying of Cancer Asked Her BFF to Raise Her Four Kids, And She Doesn't Hesitate
by N/A, 10 years ago |
3 min read
When single mother Elizabeth Diamond was diagnosed with stage-four brain cancer, she immediately began worrying about her four daughters, wondering who would take care of them when she was gone. Fortunately for Diamond and her daughters, her best friend was Laura Ruffino.
After the news of Diamond's cancer, Ruffino promised her she would adopt her daughters when she passed. And as you can see, she made good on her word.
Diamond, who passed away in 2015, left behind her four beautiful girls...
But she passed them onto an equally beautiful family - the Ruffino's. With the addition of their new daughters, the family of four has now doubled in size!
“She said if anything ever happens to me I want you to take my girls and I instantly said ok."
“As she started to weaken you can imagine the fears that I had for the girls and being without her.â€
“Ten years ago I didn’t think this would be my life. But if something gets thrown at you just accept the challenge and do the best you can.â€
The Ruffinos have done more than just accept the challenge. They've done everything within their power to love the Diamond girls and make them feel like their own.
And despite the obvious financial challenges and circumstantial changes, they couldn't be happier to make them a part of their family.
After hearing about their story, the Orchard Park community, where they live in New York, immediately came together to raise $80,000 for the Ruffino-Diamonds and are still donating to help provide for the six-daughter family!
If you'd like to donate and help contribute to providing for the Ruffino-Diamond girls, be sure to check out their YouCaring page!
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