If You Suffer From Anxiety And Feel Nobody Understands You, Show Them This Artist's Work
Mental illness is and will always be incredibly difficult to explain to those who don't suffer from it. While most illnesses have physical symptoms that are visibly apparent, the psychological ones that occur in our minds are, in a sense, invisible to others.
When you struggle with something like anxiety - many of whom dismiss as an "illegitimate" condition - more often than not, others fail to understand why you don't have control over the way you feel. This sketch by artist and blogger Sophie Wright, who struggles with anxiety herself, perfectly illustrates what having the disorder is really like, and how to better understand someone who has it.

If you know someone who admittedly has anxiety, or displays behaviors like this, be patient with them. Strive to understand them better, love on them, and reassure them that you care about them - every bit of affirmation and support is invaluable.
Share this so that more people can better understand mental illnesses like anxiety.