Here's What Happens When A Basketball is Dropped From 415 Feet High With Backspin
by N/A, 10 years ago |
1 min read
Derek Muller of Veritasium explains a physics law known as the Magnus effect and its various applications, when some friends of his drop a basketball with backspin from the top of the Gordon Dam, in Tasmania.
What it does is truly fascinating.
Standing at 415 feet, the Gordon Dam is quite the structure. And it's where Muller's friends will conduct their little experiment.

First, a ball-drop with no spin. Other than the wavering near the end caused by the wind, pretty predictable result, right?

Now watch what happens with a bit of backspin.

Crazy right?? This is because of the Magnus effect. But this isn't the only time you've seen it in play.

Watch the video to hear Muller's explanation:
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