The Author Of "50 Shades Of Grey" Hosted A Twitter Q&A And It Was An Absolute Train Wreck
EL James, author of the deeply controversial, globally reviled, "50 Shades of Grey" agreed to conduct a Twitter Q&A about the book, to promote her new novel "Grey" - which is likely equally as loathsome, if not more so.
Let's just say things didn't go as planned. And it was spectacular.

Of course, James didn't answer any of them - because how could she? Being honest and showing a modicum of conviction for negatively influencing young girls on a massive scale would be bad for her new book. But that didn't stop people from hijacking her Q&A and bombarding her with more questions.

"They pry, I blush. They pry some more, I blush. They pry still, exposing my idiocy with the utmost clarity. I blush, ignoring it altogether because this is a shitstorm and I hate myself for agreeing to it."