This Seagull Stole A GoPro And Caught Some Incredible Footage
by N/A, 10 years ago |
1 min read
Contrary to how they're portrayed in Finding Nemo, seagulls are highly intelligent birds. From an early age, they learn the ins-and-outs of hunting from their parents, using breadcrumbs as fish bait, and imitating rain noises to lure worms out of the ground, among other clever tactics.
Point being, they're really smart, and they're not to be underestimated. Young traveler Martin Lozano made that mistake and it almost cost him his GoPro. In the end though, he wound up with some killer aerial footage.
"What's this? Looks important...SEE YAAA!"

"Oh you want it back? Okay okay, I'll stop...NOT!!!"

Check out the whole thing here:
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