You Don't Have To Have A Ton Of Money For A Hot Tub Thanks To This Genius Innovation
by N/A, 10 years ago |
1 min read
And people thought waterbeds were revolutionary...
The "Hydro Hammock," a versatile, lightweight hot tub-hammock, just might be the most relaxing invention of our day.

It is literally two already glorious things coalesced into one...

Creating one sinfully pleasurable R & R experience.

The hammock comes with a portable heating system capable of heating whatever water you use, be it lake, river or sea water. It can hold two full-grown adults, and up to 50 gallons of water.

The heating system currently runs on natural gas, such as propane, though there are plans to expand to battery and solar electricity as well.

However or wherever you choose to use it, the Hydro Hammock always provides the same thing...

Pure, unbridled relaxation.

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