This School Had An Unexpected Discovery When They Were Renovating Their Classrooms
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
Old and in desperate need of renovation, Emerson High School in Oklahoma City was opened up to contractors recently for the first time in a almost a century.
Builders were instructed to remove the blackboards and replace them with whiteboards for the remodeling, but before doing so, they noticed something remarkable – the chalkboards hadn't been touched since the school's closing in 1917.
Nearly a century old, the chalkboards displayed student lessons on civics...
Even general lessons, like hygiene and sanitation were emphasized. And clearly, penmanship, which is a dying art, was also thoroughly taught.
Contractors found drawings on several of the chalkboards as well.
Pilgrims were a consistent theme throughout. There were even calendars dating the exact day in which the school was presumably shut down - December 30th, the final day of the year.
As hoped, the school district and the city are working together to preserve these incredible relics of early 20th century education, and possibly find a museum for them to be showcased in.
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