This Toddler Wasted No Time On Learning To Walk And Just Started Rock Climbing Instead
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
I can't remember what I did for fun when I was 20 months old, but I can say with certainty that it sure as hell wasn't rock climbing.
At just 20 months old, Ellie Farmer can rock climb better than most adults.

Don't believe it? Just check out this video her parents recently posted of her scaling a 7-foot wall.
They even made a Facebook page for her called "The Little Zen Monkey."
You may be wondering what on earth would spur on a toddler to take up rock climbing, let alone how in the world they'd be able to. Short answer? It's in her blood.

Her parents told NBC News that they both climb competitively. Ellie's mother, Rachael Farmer, climbed up until three days before she was born.
It started when Ellie's parents built her her own personal climbing wall in her room. The pint-sized athlete took to it immediately, scaling it after only a few weeks of practice.

The Farmers shared on Facebook that Ellie began climbing long before she could even walk on her own. She learned to climb at 8 months, and learned to walk at 10.
Her style of climbing is referred to as "bouldering," or, climbing low heights without a harness or rope. The highest height Ellie climbs is still 7 feet and her parents are always there monitoring her vigilantly, with a thick pad beneath her.

“Falling usually ends up with a giggle fit and trying the climb again until she successfully finishes the route."
Rachel stresses that Ellie’s love for climbing is completely her own. “We provide the safest environment we possibly can for our little monkey while continuing to support her love for climbing,†she said.

I think there are some world records waiting to be broken for this little mountaineer.
Do not show me this again