23 Test Answers That Are Better Than Whatever The Teacher Had In Mind
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
Listen, tests are stupid, and luckily these kids know it and made up for them with hilarious answers.
1. That is a free press.

2. Wow, someone really hates practicing.

3. Sounds like a good plan.

4. Well, that's probably a good way to do it.

5. Decisions, decisions...

6. Actually, that is how it works.

7. How can you mark something wrong with those stars?

8. Well, that is true.

9. Seems like a good reason to me.

10. Not technically wrong.

11. Super gnarly!

12. That is true.

13. Points for creativity at least.

14. Oh boy, what a rebel.

15. That is a fact.

16. Maybe they were mini candy bars...

17. So close!

18. Oh goodness! Calculus worms!

19. You *probably* shouldn't swear at your teachers.

20. Super obvious, but great answer.

21. Not wrong, actually.

22. Nothing gets past this kid.

23. But...what IS love?

Do not show me this again