Here Is The Reason You May Feel More Attracted To Someone Who Wears Glasses
You probably agree that people with glasses tend to look smarter. Have you ever stopped to wonder why?
The Swiss Journal of Psychology published a study that confirmed that people with glasses are considered more attractive and smarter. Here's why.Â

Eyes are your most powerful feature. Wearing glasses highlights them and draws attention to yourself.Â

Intrigue is a feature that always attracts people. It makes people want to figure it out. Glasses can give you a boost in the mystery department.Â

It's no secret that humans prefer symmetry and view it as very attractive. Glasses help round off your face and make it seem even more symmetrical.Â

People who read and study a lot tend to have myopia. Because of this, people with glasses are perceived as more intelligent, therefore more attractive.Â

Fashion is fickle. Keeping up to date with the latest trends can be hard. A simple frame swap will give you an immediate update and make you seem cool.

Continuing from the previous one, your glasses can make a powerful statement to other people. If you wear the right ones, you're bound to leave a lasting first impression.Â