Jurassic World May Be the Blockbuster, But These Zookeepers Are the Real Winners
by N/A, 10 years ago |
7 min read
By now just about the entire world has seen Jurassic World, and zookeepers across the globe are jumping in on the best meme of the summer.
In the movie, Chris Pratt's character has tamed a few raptors...

The scene has inspired zookeepers everywhere to do the same.
Some dolphins are being tamed by their keepers
The rheas are really getting into it
These chickens may look tiny, but they definitely need to be tamed
The camels are kind of over it
Emus don't have time for your games, zookeeper
Even the kangaroos want to help tame the other kangaroos
These quokkas may not be easy to tame, but they sure are cute
The pigs are all about the attention
Georgia's otters are absolutely adorable
The rhinos may look dangerous, but they have no problem listening to directions
Penguins apparently love the meme...
Penguins from all over the world...
Seriously, lots and lots of penguins
Flamingos on the other hand, they're just doing their thing
The pigs are all about it though
These giant tortises aren't going anywhere anytime soon
And finally, the walruses, which may be my absolute favorite
Do not show me this again