This Very Rare Cat Has More Facial Expressions Than You Can Even Make
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
High up in the montane steppe of Central Asia, lives the Manul cat - or as they're also known, the Pallas cat. A threatened species, the Manul lives in high altitudes year round, and thus, doesn't have its immune system strengthened by exposure to common infections.
Because of this, you won't see them at any zoos - at least not any outside the mountains of central Asia - which is a shame, because they're one of the funniest, most facially expressive animals out there.
"Hey Gary, quit breathing so hard. Some of us are tryin' to sleep."

"I'm sorry, what did you just say underling?"

"Did I stutter?"


"You see this? Yeah, it's about to go into your suckhole."

"Wow. That might have actually been a little intimidating, if you didn't like a giant fuzzy potato."


"Call me a "fuzzy potato" ONE MORE TIME, you little shit."

"Fuzzy potato."



"Shit's 'bout to go DOWN!!!"

Do not show me this again