19 Nintendo Moments From '90s Kids Had That Kids Today Will Never Understand
by N/A, 10 years ago |
5 min read
Saturdays spent holed up in the basement, desperately trying to get past the Water Temple in Zelda: Ocarina of Time without the guidebook, or successfully taking all the hidden routes in Star Fox on the 18th try.
Sighhhh...those were the glory days.
1. When you realized just how much sweat your thumb could produce, trying to spin Bowser in Super Mario 64.

2. When you had both Yoshi AND a super cape in Super Mario World, and pretty much felt invincible.

3. In Star Fox when Peppy would annoyingly tell you to "DO A BARREL ROLL," even though you already knew damn well how to do one, and were twice the pilot he was.

4. The moment a new "challenger approached" in Super Smash Bros, and you had a minor heart attack.

5. In Mario Kart, when you scratched and clawed your way into first place on Rainbow Road, only to fall off the edge of one of those ungodly sharp turns on the last lap.

6. Getting to demolish some poor guy's car as Chun-Li by power-kicking your heart out, in Street Fighter.

7. Forgetting to press start in Super Mario 64 for over 20 minutes, because you got deeply sidetracked playing with his face.

8. Feeling like a super-human in Kirby Super Star, after finally gaining sword power.

9. Or feeling like a god in Mega Man X when you obtained the sacred Hadouken power-up.

10. Hearing Mallow claim he was "a tadpole" in Super Mario RPG and not knowing whether to be immensely confused, or die laughing.

11. Losing your shit trying to shoot a crouching Oddjob in GoldenEye 007, as well as losing any and all respect for anyone who played with him from that point on.

12. Having heart palpitations running up and down the walls while facing this nightmarish boss in Contra III: The Alien Wars.

13. Trying your best not to pee a little when playing "Bombs Away" in Mario Party.

14. Experiencing depression for the first time, after aging 7 years in "The Temple of Time" and coming outside only to see Hyrule become a dark and ominous ghost town filled with screeching zombies, in Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

15. Feeling utterly discontent when you FINALLY collected all 120 stars in Super Mario 64, and all you got to do was shoot the shit with Yoshi.

16. In Pokemon Red and Blue when you spent 45 minutes masterfully getting MewTwo down to his last iota of health, and after using 38 ultra balls, you still couldn't catch the rat bastard.

17. When you died more times than you could even count trying to beat the mine levels (or really, any level) in Donkey Kong Country.

18. When you had the intensely satisfying pleasure of whipping foot soldiers into the screen, in Turtles in Time.

19. And when you bravely reached the end of Link's Awakening, only to discover it had all been a dream.

Do not show me this again