4 Reasons You Should Start Eating Less Sugar
Sugar? Yes, Â please!

It's a well-known fact that sugar can get you feeling a little hyper, right? You can tell after a child consumes a mountain dew that he/she is hopped up on a lot of sugar. Sugar has the ability to make you feel a little more alert but it can also cause you to crash.Â

Sugar has the ability to affect your mood, it can also have some effects on your emotional and mental balance. If you consume too much sugar you might be more prone to mood swings.Â

According to a new UCLA study sugar can sometimes create a "foggy" or "out of it" type feeling in the brain. The study said sugar “forms free radicals in the brain’s membrane, compromising our nerve cells’ ability to communicateâ€.Â

Sometimes sugars have been linked to hindering your ability to remember things clearly. Not all the time, but there have been studies done that prove there can be a link between high fructose sugar and learning/memory impairment.Â