14 Acts of Kindness That Will Make You Want to Pay It Forward
by N/A, 10 years ago |
1 min read
News and other media outlets are constantly giving us detailed reports on what's going on in the world, locally, internationally, you name it. And that's great, because staying current and informed is important. Except, most of what we see or hear in the news is a lot of the tragic, sad stories and events, and not enough of the good, uplifting ones.
That being said, it can be easy to get discouraged about the direction the world appears to be heading - to assume that the bad is drowning out the good. But as much tragedy as there is out there, that's definitely not the case, and these kinds of people are living proof.
1. Students like this:

2. Professors like this:

3. Neighbors like this:

4. Families like this:

5. Garbagemen like this:

6. Teenagers like this:

7. People like this:

8. Or this:

9. Business owners like this:

10. Paramedics like this:

11. Kids like this:

12. Cops like this:

13. Strangers like this:

14. And good samaritans like this:

Do not show me this again