See What Happened When An Artist Tried 30 Kinds Of Drugs Before Doing A Self Portrait
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
Bryan Lewis Saunders is an adventurous portrait artist who has created more than 9,000 self-portraits. For this series, he used illegal and legal drugs before sitting down to draw himself. The differences are surprising.
1. Two psilocybin mushroom caps

2. Marijuana

3. Nicotine Gum after two months of not smoking

4. 10 mg of Adderall

5. 4 mg of Dilaudid

6. Abilify/Xanax/Ativan (Unknown dosages, administered in hospital)

7. 3 mg of Klonopin

8. 60 mg of Geodon (an anti-psychotic)

9. Huffing gasoline

10. Snorting Heroin

11. Sniffing lighter fluid

12. One bump of crystal meth

13. 15 mg of the anti-anxiety drug Buspar

14. DMT (before and after)

15. Butane Honey Oil (Cannabis)

16. One shot of Dilaudid, Three shots of Morphine (while in the hospital for kidney stones)

17. Hash

18. Valium and Laughing Gas

19. Two bottles of cough syrup

20. 20 mg of Valium

21. 251-NBOME (psychedelic drug)

22. 1/2 gram of Cocaine

23. Unknown dosage of Butalbitals (pain reliever and relaxant)

24. Salvia Divinorum

25. Bath Salts

26. Unknown dosage of morphine

27. 10 mg of Ambien

28. Two squirts of computer duster.

29. Small glass of absinthe.

30. 7.5 mg of Hydrocodone/7.5 mg of Oxycodone/3 mg of Xanax:

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