Rather Than Going to the Dentist to Get His Tooth Pulled, This Kid Gave His Parrot a Shot
When you're young, getting your teeth pulled, especially when it's your first, can be absolutely frightening. The feeling is foreign, your threshold for pain is low, and not to mention, its just plain scary to think of a "bone" being removed from your body.
But one thing age doesn't change, is people's fear of dentists (I should know, my dad's one). So while not going to the dentist to have your tooth pulled is understandable, having it pulled by your parrot isn't so much. But to YouTuber Anton Androshchuk, who's had his operate on him 5 times, it's completely customary.

"Oh right, your tooth. Okay, hold still."

His sister, who's filming, can hardly bear watching. And I don't blame her.

The most disturbing thing might be how calm and amused Anton is throughout it all. But I guess when it's your fifth time doing it, your pet parrot pulling your tooth is a walk in the park.