Learn About 10 Times People Discovered Prehistoric Women That Couldn't Be Explained
History is full of interesting female pioneers. Here are a few you probably don't know.

Found near Pelican Rapids, Minnesota, it was determined that Minnesota Woman's remains were a shocking 8,000 years old. She was discovered near a road construction site. Scientists believed that she was a hunter. She was later reburied by the Sioux tribe.

The female "hobbit" was found in Indonesia and is only 3 feet tall.

Taoua was a caribbean woman who died 1,000 years ago. Her skeleton was found on a beach in White Bay and scientists believe she died of blood poisoning from a decayed tooth. She was also found with several broken ribs.Â

Historians believe that Penon Women died at age 26. That was 13,000 years ago during the last ice age. Her skeleton was discovered in Mexico City, but no one has been able to determine her cause of death.Â

Mother's 7,700-year-old remains were found in Siberia. She is considered the first example of death by childbirth and may be the oldest confirmed mother of twins.

The Arlington Springs man was discovered in California in 1959. It was later discovered that the Arlington Springs man is actually a woman and in 2006 scientists redacted their claim and stated that it really was a man.

Lucy was found in Ethiopia. Her skeleton is 3.2 million years old, she's 3.5 feet tall and was the oldest  known human skeleton until the discovery of Ardi.

X-woman lived in Siberia 40,000 years ago. The only part of her that was discovered was a pinky finger, so scientists aren't 100% sure that the remains they discovered belonged to a woman.

The Ardipithecus ramidus fossil or Ardi's remains were found in 125 pieces. Ardi's remains are 4.4 million years old. Making her the oldest skeleton in the world.Â

The Red Lady was found in Spain and lived 18,700 years ago. Her bones were found covered in a pigment called ochre. Scientists are sure about her cause of death, but did take note of the elaborate burial ritual.