The Life Of An Easy Bruiser Is Anything But Easy, And These 10 Emotions Say It All
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
When you wake up in the morning and have no idea how that bruise on your arm got there. UGH.Â
1. When you wake up in the morning with an ugly, giant bruise and you have no idea how it got there.

2. You immediately try to remember last night and get frantic about the possibilities. "HOW drunk was I? What if I did something really embarrassing? I hate myself..."

3. But then you remember you didn't even go out last night, these bruises just seem to happen out of nowhere and then you just get really sad and concerned.

4. You have accepted that you'll never be extremely elegant.

5. Being clumsy is nothing new to you. Falling just sort of seems to be a way of life.

6. Whether you're walking upstairs

7. Or just in a straight line

But that's not what bothers you. You can deal with being clumsy. What you can't deal with are the stares you get from random people judging your bruised-up self.
8. Because people automatically assume you were white-girl wasted when you got that bruise.

9. But you weren't and now you have to suffer the consequences.

And even if you were drunk, it's nobody's business.Â
11. It's hard to get people to believe that you're fine. You're just a little uncoordinated.

12. You just learn to deal with it. Because at this point, what else can you do?

10. And now that you have this ugly bruise you try and do your best to cover it up.

Do you know how hard it is to cover a random bruise on your leg during summer when it is 90 degrees outside?!Â
Do not show me this again