23 Hilarious "Friends" Quotes That Will Never Get Any Less Funny
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
Quite possibly the most quotable TV show ever.
1. When Joey appeared on Pyramid
2. That time Rachel tried to guess Chandlers job
3. When Joey said what we all think
4. When Phoebe summed up what all 20-somethings felt
5. And when she got sick of Mike's parents
6. When Chandler learned Joey cleans spoons by licking them
7 . When Joey took Ross to the hosptial and had to fill out his paperwork for him
8. When Rachel dropped this truth bomb about dating Ross
9. When Phoebe was giving baby name ideas
10. And when she told it how it is
11. When Ross and Monica let the truths fly on Thanskgiving
12. When Ross had trouble counting
13. When Joey gave Ross this excellent advice
14. When Ross really wanted Sushi
15. When Joey thought he could play a 19-year-old
16. When Monica told everyone what was wrong with their love life
17. When Mike had the perfect response to Phoebe wanting to change her name to Princess Consuela Bananahammock
18. When Phoebe tried in vain to teach Joey French
19. "A cow's opinion"
20. When no one knew that no one knew that everyone knew
21. When Joey
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