If You're In Touch With Your Spiritual Side, Mandala Inspired Vegan Cakes Are For You
Stephen McCarty, a vegan-raw chef from LA, makes ornately beautiful mandala cakes using only vegan ingredients, that are truly entrancing.
McCarty who is acutely aware of the speed and fragility of life, uses his mandala cakes as a tangible example of life’s impermanence, and a way of sharing his message with his fans - enjoy all that you can, while you can.

Often times, Tibetan Buddhist monks will do this, collect the sand in a vase, then pour the contents into a river - a ritual intended to show they're allegiance to the natural world and universe. What they create, they give back to creation.

It centers around the concept of being detached from the things of things world, and recognizing the fragility of life and beauty. When you understand both's impermanence, you begin to truly appreciate them.