This 90-Year-Old Tortoise Lost Its Leg After A Rat Attack...The Replacement Is Superb
by N/A, 10 years ago |
1 min read
When Jude Ryder checked in on her 90-year-old tortoise, Mrs. T, who was hibernating in her garden shed, to her horror, she discovered that a rat had gotten in, and was gnawing on her fronts legs.
As you can imagine, Jude was devastated, and equally worried about her chances of living.
After racking up about $1500 in veterinary bills, Jude was still afraid that Mrs. T would have to be put down.

In large part due to her immobility and the risk of her wounds becoming infected from their proximity to the ground.
Then her son, a mechanical engineer, made this hot set of treads for Mrs. T.

"She has the run of the garden again and we can always find her because she leaves very strange tracks behind wherever she goes," said Jude of her beloved pet.
Now, Mrs. T rolls around in style, and her injuries continue to heal smoothly.

Can you say "speed demon"?
Watch Mrs. T burn some serious rubber in her new tortoise-mobile
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