This New Taiwanese Trend Is The Worst Thing That Has Ever Happened In These Dogs' Lives
by N/A, 10 years ago |
1 min read
Taiwan presents: square-faced dogs. Yes, it's a thing. And yes, it's ridiculously stupid.
This is the recent trend that's been sweeping Taiwan lately: square-shaped facial haircuts for dogs.

Allegedly, it began with the desire of some owners to have their dogs be more "eye-catching" for social media...

And as you can see, the dogs are awfully psyched about it.

This is the face of a very sad, very ashamed puppy. A face that says, "I don't need a mirror to know how stupid I look."
Oh, and if you're not into the whole square look, you can always go the circular route.

And make your dog's head into a perfect sphere.
Three cheers for attention-influenced, poor decision making that drastically reduces your pet's self-confidence!

Hip hip! can't even bring myself to cheering for this facetiously. To my square and circle-faced friends out there - stay strong. Don't let your cruel owners and ridiculous, geometrical faces get you down.
Do not show me this again