If You're Trying To Hold Back Your Tears, Here Are 21 Reasons Why You Should Let Them Go
Even though crying totally sucks...sometimes it's extremely necessary. Every now and then a good cry is just straight up needed. Whether your boyfriend broke up with you or you just found out McDreamy died on Grey's, crying is good for the soul.Â

1. Crying allows you to really feel all that you need to feel. JUST LET IT ALL OUT
2. Sometimes crying actually feels good. It feels good to feel the emotion falling out of you
3. Crying reminds you you're alive
4. Sometimes it makes you feel more human. After a good cry sesh you feel less like a robot going through life

5. It's nice to be dramatic sometimes
6. Wallowing is sometimes kind of fun
7. Playing the emo card is ALWAYS a good time. Queue sad depressing music from the '90s
8. Crying can help center the mind and soul

9. Holding all that emotion in cannot be healthy - LET IT GO
10. You usually cry about the things your truly care about
11. Crying releases toxins from the body
12. It helps freshen your mind and might help you see the situation more clearly

13. When you're crying, tell yourself you can't experience joy if you've never known pain
14. Crying can sometimes be humbling
15. You'll always feel at least a little bit better after a good cry sesh
16. It resets an emotional meter in your body
17. It means you care, a lot. And that is a good thing

18. It can get you out of a lot of situations. Like a speeding ticket
19. Sometimes things just really suck and crying is the only appropriate thing to do
20. It makes you feel better
21. It's literally the pain from inside of you falling out