This Buckingham Palace Guard Is Having A Rough Day. Watch Him Bite It Hard in Public
At some point or another, we've all heard of the famous Buckingham Palace. And other than it being where the Queen and other British royalty reside, do we know anything about it? Of course not.
But we all know of its stoic, poofy-hat guards that stand watch around its walls for hours on end, never changing expressions. For years, people have heckled them, mocked them, made faces at them, all in an attempt to make them break their stares, and yet they never bat an eye.
Well, recently, one guard showed just how far-reaching the depths of his stoicism really are when he managed to play it cool after wiping out hard on some ice in front of hundreds of onlooking tourists.

Fails with the whole standing upright thing, but crushes the cartoon fall.

Nope...not working.