37 Financial Tips For Young Professionals Trying to Save Money
Saving money can be incredibly difficult, but it's all about prioritizing and knowing your options. These tips will save you a buck and your sanity.Â

Go for a run instead of paying for an expensive gym membership.Â

Pay it off immediately and rack up tons of rewards and savings.Â

Make your own detergent with this Redditors formula: "It only took me about an hour to make a powdered detergent from Borax, washing soda, and bar soap (one cup, one cup, and ½ bar respectively). There are tons of recipes. This is the one I used. The rough cost estimates for me were 900 loads for about $20. Cheapest equivalent was Aldi's detergent at 360 loads for $25.

Pay your bills at the beginning of the month and then only spend on gas and groceries.Â

Insulating your home will help you save money on energy bills.Â

If you can, pay off the cost of your phone upfront, instead of signing a contract to pay it off over time.Â

There are so many small things you can do to start saving energy. Being aware of turning off lights when you leave a room, timing your showers and even carpooling to events with friends and family.Â

You can get a cheap Christmas tree at Lowe's if it has slight defects.Â

Deep freeze foods for months when you need to save a little money.

Sign up for emails to find out when things are going to go on sale.

Take advantage of price matching at stores like Walmart and Target to get the most bang for your buck.Â

If there is a produce market or asian or hispanic supermarket near you, shop there. They tend to have lower prices, so you'll be able to get more for your money.Â

Set your bank account so that a specific amount of your income goes straight to your checking account.Â

Save money on dry cleaning and replacing items by taking care of your clothes.Â

Know how to do basic repairs around the house to save money.Â

Try walking, biking or the bus instead of driving.Â

You might want an expensive, palatial home, but if that's not what you can afford, you should settle for the pretty 1 bedroom apartment.

This might seem old-fashioned, but you'll actually save a ton on electricity.Â

Use online resources to take classes from universities around the world.Â

Refurbish your own furniture to make them look like new.Â

Do your research to make sure you're getting the best deal for your money and make sure you have enough saved in case an emergency strikes right after your big buy.Â

You can get paint that has been returned to hardware stores for a steal. The colors can be off, so just make sure you're getting what you need.Â

Rather than spend money on a printer, paper and ink that you won't use that often, print any paperwork you need at work.Â

You can use it to clean so many things and it's natural, so you're cleaning your house but not using strange chemicals.Â

Be conscious of how much dish soap, detergent, toothpaste and other items you use and try to use less.Â

You can definitely haggle with bill collectors and other companies over pricing.Â

Look over your bills for errors to make sure you're not paying more than you need to.Â

If you have the space for a garden, you should try planting your own food to save money.Â

Sodas and other drinks are much more expensive at restaurants. Opt for water and save yourself some money.Â

And put on or take off a layer of clothes to stay comfortable.

If you live near an orchard or a farm, picking your own produce could save you a ton of money.Â

With services like Amazon Prime, Netflix and Hulu, there isn't much need for cable tv.

Have a day to reward yourself every once in a while, saving can be really difficult, but every dollar gets you a little closer to your goal.Â

Some vegetables can be regrown, if you put their scraps in a cup of water.Â

Use Craigslist to find free and cheap things people no longer want, free events in your city or freelance gigs you can do on the side.Â

If you can't afford to go out with your friends, just tell them.Â