17 Things You Should Start Doing When You're Traveling Alone
Traveling alone can be a seriously exhilarating experience, but it can also be a little bit dangerous. Here are a few things you can do to to stay safe in a foreign place.Â

A whistle, mace, small knife, or other device could get you out of a scary situation.Â

If you're using sites like Airbnb, choose places that have excellent reviews. Spare no expense on your safety and comfort.Â

Using a service like WorldNomads will get you coverage for unexpected medical or dental emergencies as well as delays or cancellations.Â

You're going to want to take photos to remember your trip, but you don't want to risk someone running off with your expensive phone and having access to all of your info. Instead of handing your phone off to  a potentially shady local, just take some snaps yourself with a selfie stick.Â

Use sites like Hostelz and Oyster to get reviews of hotels and their surrounding neighborhoods.Â

If people come by your room looking to steal, they'll think someone is home.Â

Don't make it obvious that you're alone when your order arrive. Don't open the door all the way and if you do, tell the attendant that the person you're travelling with will be right back.Â

You're better off not listening to music at all while in transit or in an unfamiliar area, but if you're going to, stay alert by only listening to one headphone.Â

If you're a woman traveling alone, that can be pretty scary. Connect with female travelers to get their take on customs or places to see or even make plans to meet up. Try Pink Pangea, Travelettes or Go Girl Travel Network.

And don't fall asleep on the train.Â

This will protect you if something weird does happen, but will also help you if you forget something important in the cab.Â

Packing light will not only draw less attention to you, but it will also make it easier to get out of areas where you feel unsafe. If you'd rather cross catch a cab on the other side of the street because someone is making you uneasy, you can easily pick up your stuff and go.Â

The U.S. Department of State recommends that women who are traveling alone where a fake wedding ring while visiting the Middle East.Â

Keep some cash and your card on you, some in your bag and some back at the hotel.Â

Schedule a routine time to check-in with a friend or parent back home. This way you can update them on all the fun you're having, reconnect with what's going on at home and assure them that you're okay.Â