11 Things You Will Totally Change Your View on After Reading These "Shower Thoughts"
Imgur user BoogiesOogie recently posted some insane shower thoughts that made us all think a whole lot and will definitely blow your mind.

"Taking candy from a baby" would actually be a responsible thing to do.Â

During childhood, we are told that jokes about the genital areas are adult content, but once we become adults, these jokes are considered "childish"

To the dinosaurs, we live in a post-apocalyptic future

Now that millions of people have ditched cable for services like Netflix, millions of children are going to grow up without being (as) influenced by commercials and the news.Â

Waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay sounds super rad if you don't know what either of those things are.Â

The worst part of Tinder is that it only helps you meet other people who are at a place in their lives where using Tinder seems like a good idea.

About an hour after the final scene in many Disney movies, the main character will be losing their virginity.Â

Society has become so civilized that we have to simulate manual labor at the gym in order to reap the health benefits that civilizations of past centuries had to do naturally for a living.Â

On a clear day I can only see about 4 miles to the horizon, but on a clear night I can see millions of light years.Â

Every time you've beaten a computer at chess it's because it let you win.Â

Every cell in my body knows how to replicate DNA yet I'm not in on it so I have to spend hours studying it.Â