You Might Be a Basic B*Tch if You Can Relate to These 10 Illustrations
Joanna Zhou's illustrations are not just wonderful to look at, and indicative of her great talent (although they're that, too)—they're seriously hilarious.Â
She has illustrated a series of images based on classic Basic Bitch Instagram posts... and they could NOT be more accurate!Â

Always perfect as setup to an impromptu game of "hot dogs, or legs?"

Because if you didn't take a picture of it, you didn't REALLY have that much fun.Â

Why even buy a pet if you're not going to exploit them for Instagram likes?Â

Your followers are wondering what is going on in your immediate environment at all times, you can't just leave 'em hangin'!

It is NOT enough to make some type of beauty update in your life and let people see it when they interact with you in person. You NEED to take a photo.Â

Your friends might not even know that you're a crafting queen if you don't post a photo! They might assume you just BOUGHT that decoration made from toilet paper rolls...don't let them go on thinking that!Â

Do your followers know how amazing your SO is? Because if they don't...maybe the relationship isn't real...Â

Science suggests that taking Instagram photos of food actually makes it tastes better.Â

Productivity is always boosted by actually stopping work to not just take an Instagram photo, but actually take several minutes to set it up beforehand.Â

Nothing says "I am superior to you" to your followers like shoving in their face your fitness routine, this we know for sure.Â