10 Things Amelia Bedelia Did That Will Make You Cringe Every Single Time
We've all done ridiculous things, but it seemed like Amelia Bedelia was never able to get it together, no matter how many books came out.Â

In Calling Doctor Amelia Bedelia, she helps out by answering phones at a doctor's office. When a patient calls in saying they think they "caught a bug," she tells them to let it go.Â

In the very first Amelia Bedelia book, Amelia's list of chores included "dusting the furniture." She finds dusting powder and throws it on all of the furniture.Â

When told to find a fork in the road while driving, Amelia looks for an actual eating utensil rather than a split in the roadway.Â

A highlight in the series was when Amelia literally puts her nose in a book when she's told to at school.Â

When she's told to pitch a tent during a camping trip, she grabs all of the equipment and throws it into the bushes.Â

Instead of drawing the curtains, she sits down and doodles a picture of the drapes.Â

In Amelia Bedelia Helps Out, she's told to "stake the beans" but instead ties the steak to the green bean plants.Â

In Merry Christmas, Amelia Bedelia, Amelia is supposed to make a date cake. Instead of using actual dates in the cake batter, she uses cut up pieces of a calendar, because it has a lot of dates.Â

In Good Work, Amelia Bedelia, Amelia is asked to make a chicken dinner for the night and she serves the guests cracked corn AKA chicken feed.Â