14 Seemingly Safe Things You'd Never Think Could Kill You (Spoiler: They Might)
You probably think you're safe most of the time, but you'd be surprised how many things can cause you very serious harm or even kill you.

While it is rare to have a heart attack and die during sex (it only accounts for less than a percent of all sudden deaths) one study found that 75% of those people who did die due to a heart attack during sex died while having extramarital sex.

Drowning is the third biggest cause of "unintentional injury" across the globe, and is the biggest cause in the kids under 4 in the United States, according to the CDC. It is possible to drown in less than an inch of water, especially for children.

You can end up with some VERY bad wounds if you point a pressure washer at yourself. Even if they don't look bad, they can easily become infected, which can cause some big problems down the line.

Even the smallest cut can easily become infected and cause some major issues, like sepsis,which can kill you in just a few days.

When you're cleaning with bleach, you need to be very careful because mixing it with many other popular cleaners can cause incredibly toxic gases that have the potential to be deadly.

Drinking too much water too quickly can cause water intoxication. In these cases, the kidneys can't process it fast enough which can cause both the lungs and the brain swell.

Between 1978 and 1995 there were 113 injuries and 37 deaths due to a vending machine falling on someone. So, the machine eats your quarter, just move on.

Between 1990 and 2006 snow-shoveling incidents made up roughly 11,500 visits to the ER per year. Over that time more than 1,640 people died due to snow shoveling accidents, usually from heart attacks.

Drowsy driving is the cause behind 40,000 car accident injuries and 1,550 deaths every year, according to the National Department of Transportation.

Acetaminophen overdoses account for about 500 deaths per year in the United States. If you take the medication as instructed, you should be fine, but if you combine it with any other medications that also contain acetaminophen (such as Nyquil or Excedrin) you can have some issues.

In addition to being kinda gross, if you let lint build up in the dryer, your dryer can overheat and catch fire. a U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission report from 1998 recorded 15,600 fires caused by fires in 1998, resulting in 20 deaths and 370 injuries.

Choking remains the eighth most common cause of accidental injury death in the United States. While it can happen to everyone, young kids and the elderly are especially vulnerable. The Red Cross reminds people to be aware of what to do if someone is choking, and how to help yourself.

Every year about 200,000 people are sent to the hospital for the flu, according to the CDC. Deaths have ranged from 3,000 to 49,000.

Yeah, we're not sure WHY you would do this, but in case you decide you want to, don't. If there's enough force, it can form an air embolism which is when an air bubble gets into your blood stream and kill you. You also should avoid air pumps or a syringe of air.