11 School Pictures of Kids Whose Hair Choices Will Make You Cringe
Listen, we can't be held responsible for the choices we made as kids, especially when those choices involve our hairstyles. We were young and didn't know any better. That is really the only acceptable reason any one had any of these monstrosities.Â

You thought you belonged in the '80s, but you were firmly planted in the '90s.

You were really just looking for a few extra inches when your mom and dad measured how much you'd grown.

You probably didn't take it quite THIS literally, but you decided that the best idea was to have a weird skinny ponytail for most of your life.

You didn't care what anyone though (except all the other emo kids at your school, of course.)

Your parents thought they were being really *progressive* when in reality they were just being *super lame.*

Billy Ray Cyrus was your hero, obviously.

You couldn't decide which haircut to get, so you told the barber you wanted them all.

You probably went to Sunday school on days other than just Sunday.

You got a hold of some scissors or a razorÂ

There's really now excuse for this one.

Enough said.