In Case You Were Wondering, This Is How You Crash a Rooftop Pool Party Like a Boss
by N/A, 10 years ago |
1 min read
The bar for incredible party-entrances has officially been set, and assumedly, it's not getting trumped any time soon.
Earlier in the month, one very determined, very ballsy party-goer, base jumped from a 1,200 foot skyscraper in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. And no, he didn't ever make it to the ground. But that's only because the party he was crashing was happening on the roof of a 34 story building. Suffice it to say, he nailed the landing.
Now that's why I call an entrance.
"Rodger Golden Pony, I have the target in sight."

Annnnnd then the bass dropped

Check out the entire video of the awesome stunt here
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