These Notes Make You Realize Stealing Sandwiches From the Office Fridge Isn't Worth It
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
Anyone who has ever worked in an office knows that sometimes, if you're very unlucky, your lunch will end up stolen by someone. Well one office worker was not having these types of shenanigans, and fought back in the best way possible.
To be honest, it started with a pretty simple request...

But then it escalated pretty quickly

The sandwich owner stepped it up quickly, with an HR threat

That seems like a lot of restraint. Also, how long would it take to finish that sandwich?

Important question, why are they using comic sans?

This sandwich is probably bad by now

Tina from HR is here to save the day!

Any hostage situation usually has some demands...

And I guess that's one way to deal with them

Wasteful! And Rude!

Yeah! The worst!

Proving once again, there is no such thing as the perfect crime...

If they fire him, this office is about to be come a whole lot more boring

Do not show me this again